Pharma / Biotechnology

One of the core areas of our portfolio is customer-specific solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, for life science and biotech companies.

Process Water / Water for Injection

We design and supply pre-engineered, plug&play systems that produce purified water (PW) and highly purified water (HPW) for the pharmaceutical market. In addition, we also provide our customers with solutions to produce Water for Injection.

We design and supply complete pharmaceutical water production plants and treatment systems for purified water and highly purified water, storage and distribution systems and re-engineering of production facilities.

In addition, we offer two different methods for the production of Water for Injection: production by membrane processes or by distillation. Both processes produce the highest quality pharmaceutical-grade water.

We customize individual solutions from of our standardized pharmaceutical water plant design, and manufacture them to specific user requirement specifications (URS) as well as legal and official regulations, like good manufacturing practice (GMP), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) guidelines.

Wastewater Treatment (incl. Removal of Pharmacological Substances)

Our treatment solutions remove pharmacological substances and make sure that effluent complies with local regulations.

As wastewater from hospitals as well as pharmaceutical labs contains many different substances, we use the knowledge and experience of our experts to individually apply the following processes:

  • Neutralization
  • Flocculation and precipitation
  • Flotation
  • Oxidation
  • Thermal disinfection

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