
Petrochemicals are valuable products, which demand high production efficiency. That efficiency is to some extent dependent on the production, processing and use of water. SKion Water provides the solutions to help you make the most efficient and sustainable use of your water resources.

Process Water Treatment

We supple the petrochemical industry with solutions ranging from the delivery of high-quality infeed water to the most efficient treatment of boiler feed water.

SKion Water provides solutions for the supply of process water right from screening of raw water to the downstream treatment of boiler feed water. We evaluate the best technical solution for new builds, or recommend process optimization at existing sites. Our engineers customize processes to meet our customers' specific quality standards for boiler water and feedwater.

Our core processes for boiler feed water production are ion exchange demineralization and reverse osmosis, as well as a variety of filtration techniques. Our ion exchange and reverse osmosis membrane technology remove mineral impurities to provide process water of the utmost purity. Combining our experience with both boiler feedwater systems and ultrapure water systems makes us the suitable partner for any petrochemical operator dealing with boiler feed applications.

Wastewater Treatment

We provide the solutions and technologies to treat petrochemical wastewater to meet local regulation standards and to enable water recycling.

The first stage of petrochemical wastewater treatment is the removal of large amounts of oil and suspended solids from the effluent. The Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) process separates residual oil and suspended solids. In addition, chemicals are usually used in order to maximize the efficiency of floc formation and separation. We provide proprietary chemicals that are designed for purpose and provide best-in-class results. Afterwards, biological treatment is implemented to remove dissolved organic hydrocarbons from water.

Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP)

SKion Water is capable of treating the most difficult wastewater with our proprietary AOP technology.

SKion Water's proprietary technology is able to combine acoustics with a unique gas mass transfer approach and effectively dissolve various gases such as ozone and oxygen at ambient temperatures. This ultimately creates a reactive Advanced Oxidation Process. The treatment process requires less energy than conventional processes and can also be modified depending on the complexity of the wastewater and the type of contaminants and pollutants in the water.

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