Oil & Gas

Water management is especially important in oil and gas production. SKion Water develops and implements innovative solutions to meet the challenges of treating water and wastewater for both on and offshore applications. Our clients benefit from a broad range of technologies and a strong track record with system and turnkey solutions successfully performing all over the world.

Potable Water & Wastewater Treatment for Sites

Temporary site water operations demand simplicity, modularity, flexibility, performance and compliance with municipal wastewater plants. SKion Water solutions fulfill these requirements.

In the past, dealing with on-site waste has meant little more than digging a hole or using septic tanks. These crude methods provide very little environmental and hygienic protection and can’t handle large load fluctuations. SKion Water has a complete product suite for conventional and advanced treatment systems that are mobile, and easily mobilized and demobilized. The units are modular and are easily scaled to match construction manpower loads or operational loads. Plant automation minimizes operator input requirements, simplifying the day-to-day operation. Our solutions ensure the system is compliant to the most stringent of discharge regulations and generate an effluent that is suitable for direct re-use should the site need water for dust suppression or other non-potable water needs.

Our units support 10 people to 6,000 people. SKion Water plants include several options for sludge management and dewatering to help minimize the biosolid disposal cost of the sanitation units.

Process Water Treatment (Offshore)

Offshore platforms must be as autonomous as possible, including the ability to produce specialized water products. We supply highly efficient, compact process treatment systems for water used in crude oil desalting, low-salinity enhanced oil recovery and turbine wash-water injection.

SKion Water has supplied high quality water treatment solutions for the offshore and petrochemical market for over three decades.

The design features of our reverse osmosis filtration packages are:

  • Materials & certification in accordance with project requirements
  • Fabrication and testing in accordance with project requirements
  • Equipment layout optimized for operator accessibility
  • Automatic remote operation and monitoring via platform control room
  • Optimized process design to minimize package weight, footprint and energy consumption
  • Minimized use of chemicals to keep environmental discharges low
  • Use of nominated vendors for valves, instruments, rotating equipment, pipework flanges and fittings, etc.
  • ATEX (explosion-proof) rated packages for operation in hazardous areas

Wastewater Treatment

Water management is especially important in oil and gas production. SKion water helps producers meet their objectives of treating produced water for disposal or use for well pressure.

SKion Water supplies solutions and technologies to remove water and gas from crude oil. Further treatment of the oil is carried out in the oil process train. Primary treatment in produced water processing aims to reduce the solids content, followed by a reduction of the oil content by gravity separation.

In many upstream installations, especially offshore, a secondary treatment step is required to achieve certain requirements of oil-free discharge. SKion Water offers vertical induced gas flotation (IGF) units which are used, almost exclusively, for off-shore installations where deck space is limited. We also offer multi-cell horizontal IGF units, which, although prevalent on on-shore installations, can be adapted for offshore application as well if required.

If further treatment of produced water is required to meet disposal regulations or injection water quality requirements, a tertiary step can be implemented to meet those goals. SKion Water offers a suite of robust, industry standard, proven equipment.

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