Energy & Power
Raw Water Intake Treatment
SKion Water has developed proven technologies that address every potential obstacle for an effective raw water intake solution. Our raw water treatment equipment is critical to the plant's operation and protects equipment downstream.
Our solutions include systems that protect fish from entering inlets and ensure they remain in the local water bodies and not our water treatment systems. In addition, we also offer various screens that filter out debris and matter.
We have over 40 years of experience in mechanical water screening and filtration, and today have a fleet of over 700 successful installations worldwide. It is the combination of efficient design and experience that ensures the reliable and economic performance of:
- Band screens
- Coarse screens
- Drum screens
- Stop gates
- Fish guidance systems
- Fish handling screens
Boiler Feed Water Treatment
With our experience in both boiler feed water and ultrapure water, we are the ideal partner for any kind of high-pressure boiler feed application, increasing the longevity and performance of your equipment and processes.
In order to prevent corrosion in high pressure boilers in power stations, demineralized and highly purified water is required. Purified water must also be used to mitigate scaling from water softeners and calcium carbonate in the feed water in low-pressure boilers. In addition, the quality of raw water can fluctuate greatly, increasing the need for professional water treatment at site. We design and supply pre-treatment systems in order to cope with these complexities and fluctuations.
To optimize steam turbine efficiency, the steam purity and boiler feed water quality needs to be as high as possible. Sodium and silica contamination, even for a short period, can lead to corrosion and turbine damage. We provide an effective and ecologically-friendly chemical-free solution for demineralization.
FGD Wastewater Treatment
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) from flue gas, generated in coal combustion, is detrimental to the environment if not properly treated. We offer power plants tools and solutions to remove SO2 via a process called flue gas desulfurization (FGD).
Wet scrubbing, a popular and highly effective method used in flue gas desulfurization (FGD), results in FGD wastewater which has a highly complex composition and needs to be treated accordingly. SKion Water supplies the power sector with systems that treat fluctuating FGD wastewater, thereby enabling our customers to meet environmental regulations. Our products include clarifiers, belt filter presses and gravity belt thickeners, mixers and chemical dosing stations.
Cooling Water Treatment
Cooling systems are necessary for smooth operation in the power industry. SKion Water offers its customers a whole range of equipment and services related to the safe hygienic management of the cooling water.
The quality of the cooling water and its control are particularly important in open and semi-open re-cooling systems that dissipate heat through evaporation or spraying of water. This can, for example, be evaporation cooling towers and their water cycling, evaporation condensers or hybrid cooling towers. Responsible cooling water treatment is based on a thorough analysis of all processes and comprehensive documentation of the cooling circuits. They should be regularly monitored in order to identify possible functional disorders or health risks and to counteract them.
SKion Water analyzes cooling water cycles for hygiene and optimizes them in consultation with the customer so that neither hardness deposits, corrosion, biofilms nor other pollutants prevail. Our cooling water treatment equipment is tailored precisely to your cooling water process, and helps you save costs and make a contribution to environmental protection. Should you require training on cooling water treatment, our experts will gladly share their expertise.