
Production water for cosmetics must be of the absolute highest quality, free of microbiological organisms and chemical contaminants. The cosmetics industry also produces wastewater with a high fat, oil and surfactant content which must be properly treated to meet regulations.

Process Water Treatment

Our technical know-how and sector experience ensures that our customers are supplied with solutions that provide the right grade of purified water for any cosmetics production facility.

We offer tailor-made plants for the production of purified and ultrapure water for cosmetics, ensuring to uphold our customers' requirements as well as industrial and environmental regulations. In addition, we offer storage and distribution systems, automation, plant extension, and are able to support our customers redesign existing plants and production lines.

Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater from cosmetic production contains lots of different substances and is challenging to treat. With decades of experience, we have the full combination of processes to treat your wastewater efficiently in compliance with your permit.

According to requirements, we implement our physio-chemical, biological, advanced oxidation and membrane processes, or combinations thereof, to achieve the required purification performance. For new challenges, or unknown substances, we do preliminary inhouse tests in our R&D facilities to identify the best suited process combination. Due to changing production cycles, cosmetic wastewater can vary in quality and quantity. We are currently working on R&D, together with machine learning specialists, to provide adaptive water treatment solutions at all times.

Our comprehensive service offering covers the complete operating life of the wastewater treatment plants. We maintain plants, supply the water treatment chemicals and spare parts, optimize processes and ensure consistently successful operations.

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