up2e! at a glance

Company Profile

Better solutions through better dissolution

up2e! is a German high-tech company, founded in 2018 with its focus on highly advanced and efficient gas mass transfer into liquids. The key is the Roturi®.  The Roturi® rises ozonation, used in water and wastewater treatment for more than a century, to a completely new level.
up2e! is a technology and solution provider with the experience and know-how to tailor unique Roturi®-based ozone solutions to specific needs and requirements independent of size and complexity, business and individual situation.

Core Competencies


Enhanced Inline Ozone Gas Transfer into Liquids at Atmospheric Pressure

The impact of ozone and other gases in liquids is mainly influenced by the transfer rate. The Roturi® makes ozone transfer as effective as possible since it is especially designed for enhanced gas mass transfer. Special attention is paid to low power demand and reduced ozone amounts while maintaining reactivity or even increasing reaction kinetics.

Wastewater Treatment
Activated Advanced Oxidation Process (a3op®)

Applied and designed correctly, ozone tackles many different challenges the water sector is facing today and tomorrow. Roturi® based ozone processes and solutions are perfectly suited for the industry as well as the public sector. The modular principle allows customized treatment systems for all kinds of water and wastewater.

Water Treatment
Enhanced Inline Oxygenation and Ozonation for Aquacultures

Aquaculture’s importance ever increases to support the world’s growing demand for high quality proteins. Balanced oxygen saturation improves growth, feed conversion and helps assuring good water quality. Not only oxygen but ozone plays an important role in Aquaculture. up2e! offers efficient and compact oxygenation and ozonation, combined with smart control and monitoring.

< €10m
< 50
SKion Water Ownership
Major Operations
Service/Sales Location

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