SouthWestSensor at a glance
Company Profile
Advanced microfluidic sensor technology – bringing the lab to the water for data-driven decision making
Founded in 2015, SouthWestSensor (SWS) is a UK based technology company that has developed a microfluidics based platform technology for continuous monitoring of pollutants and nutrients in water.
Using established wet chemistry methods, SWS’s DropletSens technology offers lab quality data at the point of need, helping customers make smarter water and wastewater management decisions.
Core Competencies
Environmental Monitoring
Water Quality Monitoring
SWS’s DropletSens devices measure key parameters such as nitrite and nitrate in surface water. The low reagent consumption and low maintenance requirements support multi-months autonomous deployment for instance for catchment area monitoring. This can be used to monitor long-term environmental changes or as an early warning system to flag increased levels due to discharge events.
Effluent Monitoring for Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Avoiding Discharge Penalties
SWS offers solutions to monitor nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the outflow of water treatment plants. Continuous monitoring enables early warning of increased levels, triggering remedial action to avoid discharge penalties.
Wastewater Treatment
High Quality Data for Process Control
SWS solutions for closed loop process control of water treatment processes, such as near real-time monitoring of ammonium, can be used to efficiently optimize the nitrification process due to changes to the aeration system.

< €10m
< 50