Paques at a glance

Company Profile

Leading in biological wastewater and gas treatment

Paques is a Dutch specialist solution provider for industrial anaerobic wastewater treatment, gas desulphurization, nutrient removal and metals recovery. Paques’ anaerobic systems produce biogas from wastewater, while purifying the water and facilitating water reuse.

Paques has over 2,000 reference plants across 60 countries and supplies to pulp & paper, beer & beverages, food, distilleries, metal & mining, oil & gas industries. With dedicated R&D centers in the Netherlands and China, Paques remains a leading company in the field of the development of wastewater and gas treatment.

Core Competencies


Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment
Complex Wastewater Treatment Solutions

Paques is a market leader in the field of anaerobic treatment and designs and supplies plants for COD conversion into biogas. Paques has developed the BIOPAQ® product series to treat complex wastewater for industries such as food & beverage, pulp & paper, distilleries, and pharma.

Biogas Desulphurization
Treating and Upgrading Biogas

Paques has developed a specialized technology, THIOPAQ®, which allows industry to meet stringent gas quality requirements by removing hydrogen sulphide from biogas originating from anaerobic digestion plants, anaerobic wastewater treatment plants and landfills. After treatment, the biogas can be used in a gas engine or boiler, or upgraded to biomethane.

Nutrient Removal & Recovery
Municipal and Industrial Effluent Treatment

Paques provides industries and municipalities various technologies that help remove nutrients from their effluents prior to water reuse or water discharge. Paques focuses mainly on reject water treatment from sludge digestion, post-treatment of anaerobic effluent, and effluent polishing at municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants.

Metal Removal and Recovery
Recovering Valuable Resources

Paques’ THIOTEQ™Metal and SULFATEQ™ technologies offer the alternative for economically attractive metal recovery. These processes produce sulphide from elemental sulphur or sulphate under ambient conditions. This allows customers to recover valuable resources from process and bleed streams and therefore create revenues from waste streams.

< 1000
SKion Water Ownership
Major Operations
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