Ovivo at a glance

Company Profile

Worldwide experts in water treatment

With over 150 years of experience, Ovivo is a global manufacturer and supplier of technology, equipment and systems for water and wastewater treatment and is most well-known for its technical expertise in producing ultrapure water for the electronics industry.

Ovivo supplies conventional to highly innovative water treatment solutions for the municipal and industrial markets, ensuring that solutions are environmentally sustainable, energy-efficient and cost-effective.

Ovivo's strong capabilities are supported by its proprietary products, extensive system integration expertise and its state-of-the-art technologies.

Core Competencies


Ultrapure Water and Wastewater Treatment

The semiconductor device industry requires large volumes of ultrapure water and produces large volumes of wastewater. Ovivo’s technology removes impurities from water at the limits of their detection. The ultrapure water produced is of ultimate quality and therefore of ultimate reliability.

Water and Wastewater Treatment

Ovivo treats both municipal water for drinking water and wastewater. For municipal wastewater treatment, Ovivo implements a combination of biological, chemical and mechanical processes to remove suspended solids, pollutants, particles, phosphorous and nitrogen in the effluent.

Water and Wastewater Treatment

Industrial water users have diverse requirements for process water and wastewater treatment, wastewater recycling and zero liquid discharge. Ovivo provides industrial customers with integrated solutions ranging from standardized mobile units to customized treatment plants integrating physical, chemical and biological treatment technologies.

Process and Cooling Water Solutions

Ovivo designs and supplies the necessary solutions and products to meet the stringent regulations in the power sector. Ovivo offers expertise in treatment of boiler feed water, cooling tower make-up and effluent treatment, among others.

> 1000
SKion Water Ownership
Major Operations
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